Nursery School Program
WTDC offers a licensed, quality half-day Nursery School program for children aged 2½ to 4 years of age. This program operates 10 months of the year, on instructional days, starting in September and finishing at the end of June. A list of dates will be given out when your starts the program in September.
Days/Hours of Operation
The Nursery School program runs from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, with the exception of Statutory Holidays, TDSB Professional Development days, Winter and March Break. Children will not be accepted earlier than 9:00 a.m. It is necessary for every parent/guardian to check in with the staff upon arrival. Children must not be picked up later than 3:00 p.m.
The Nursery School Program is based on a weekly focus which may be either child directed, theme based or based on learning objectives. These programs are the focus for the activities organized for daycares such as WTDC that operate on the philosophy of “hands-on learning centres”. During our circle time, we explore different aspects of the focus through books, music, etc.
The hands-on learning centres are designed to encourage and facilitate growth in all areas of child development.
The centre includes:
- Book Corner: designed as a quiet area.
- Dramatic Centre: designed to allow children to be imaginative, develop social and emotional skills, discover verbal and nonverbal means of communication, and to give expression to the many emotions they may feel.
- Cognitive Area: designed to make use of tools such as puzzles to teach sequencing and shape recognition and encourage development of fine motor skills.
- Water Play: designed as a sensory activity.
- Sand Table: designed as a sensory activity.
- Creative Arts: designed to provide an outlet for creative expression, as well as giving children an opportunity to work with their hands, which in turn helps to develop fine motor skills.
Note that while outdoor play is not an integral component of the program, the Nursery School Program does have access to the South Yard and will occasionally make use of it in the morning. This information will be posted on their weekly program.